The Magnetophonon Effect

These studies were mainly conducted in the 1970s and 1980s but have regained interest in the era of nanotubes, nanowires and graphene electronics. A list of refereed publications follows (248 citations in brackets). A partial list of 91 citing articles is also included.

Publications and  citations (January 2020)

1.Damping theory of the magnetophonon effect  (15)
J. R. Barker
Phys.Letters 33A 516-7 (1970).
2.The oscillatory structure of the magnetophonon effect. I. Transverse configuration  (130)
J. R. Barker
J.Phys.C 5 1657-74 (1972).
3.The oscillatory structure of the magnetophonon effect. II. Resolvent analysis of the longitudinal configuration  (27)
J. R. Barker
J.Phys.C 6 880-97 (1973).
4.Damping theory of magnetophonon structure in the longitudinal Seebeck coefficients in semiconductors  (10)
J. R. Barker
J.Phys.C 6 52-6 (1973).
5.Theory of Hall coefficient magnetophonon oscillations in GaAs  (6)
J. R. Barker and C. McSheehy
Phys.Letters 46A 237-8 (1973).
6.Theory of the hot electron magnetophonon effect  (2)
J. R. Barker and B. G. Magnusson
Proc.12th Int.Conf.Physics of Semiconductors,(Stuttgart)(V.G. Teubner-Verlag),811 (1974).
7.The influence of multiple scattering on pseudo-resonance structure in the magnetophonon effect  (7)
J. R. Barker and B. G. Magnusson
Phys.Letters 54A 283-4 (1975).
8.Hot electron quantum magnetotransport    (54)
J. R. Barker
Solid State Electronics 21 197 (1978).
9.Electric field dependence of the positions and amplitudes of magnetophonon oscillations in n-InSb at 77K  (15)
J. R. Barker, H Kahlert and D. G. Seiler
Solid State Electronics 21 229 (1978).
10. Validation of magnetophonon spectroscopy as a tool for analysing hot electron effects in devices    (4)
J. R. Barker,M. Al-Mudares,B. Snell,P. S. S. Guimaraes, D. C. Taylor, L. Eaves, G. Hill and J. C. Portal
Applied Physics Letters 47 387 (1985).
11. Hot electron magnetophonon spectroscopy of sub-micron semiconductors and heterostructures    (1)
J. R. Barker,M. Al-Mudares, B.R. Snell, P.S.S. Guimaraes, D. C. Taylor, L. Eaves,J.C. Portal,L. Dmowski , G.Hill
Physica 134B 17 (1985).

Selected list of 91 out of 130 citations for reference 2 for years (1973-2020):

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