Devised and presented three 30 minute documentaries for Central Television’s VENTURE programme in 1982. They involved the history of the microcomputer and covered ancient techniques for computation (e.g the abacus) via transistors and integrated circuits to modern computer and information technology.The first episode called “Pebbles in the Sand” referred to calculi the small pebbles used for simple abacus computation in ancient times (hence calculus!). I was fortunate in being able to borrow original resources including historical integrated circuit, robots (including Dr M. Larcombe’s robot truck from Warwick University and a Cincinatti Milacron robot ), numerically and computer controlled machines. Special effects were introduced including filming from the air and from “within” an electron microscope provided by Mike Lewis. The programmes were recorded before an audience.
John Edwards presented the regular VENTURE programme which focussed on Business Enterprise and Technological Innovation. I worked with John Edwards, Graham Mole and Geoff Negus amongst others. Very little material remains of these programmes but several VENTURE episodes are to be found in the MACE archives.
Made several other short filmed reports for Central TV in 1982-83 including coverage of the IRAS satellite programme and the launch event.
I was a co-presenter (Egghead!) and technical consultant to 6 children’s TV programmes made in 1983: the Magic Micro Mission, which mixed interviews with sportsmen, musicians, dancers, scientists with technical information on computers and computer games. Now available on YouTube. Another recent link to the magic micro mission The main presenters were Adrian Hedley, Jo Wheeler and “Prune” a disembodied computer voice reminiscent of the 1988 Red Dwarf’s computer. Geoffrey Negus was producer. The BFI reference is inaccurate.

The crew of Magic Micro Mission
“Prune” is top row fourth from left.

Egghead of the Magic Micro Mission
During the late 1980s and early 1990s I prepared and in some cases presented material for other TV programmes including: Tomorrow’s World, Horizon, and similar programmes on ITV and US programmes.
1998 lecture at the Edinburgh Science Festival (Towards the age of the Nanocomputer”) was held in the Edinburgh Royal Museum and was filmed for Discovery channels Sci-Trek channel.
Between 1982 and 1997 I made a number of contributions to scientific programmes on local and national radio